I had this awful problem - I couldn't just sit through watching a movie or a show without snacking. Do you realize how many calories are in those snacks! A medium size bag of movie popcorn is 800 calories! One serving of corn chips or potato chips (about 10 chips) is 110 to 300 calories, depending on the brand. This is bad enough, but do you really think you can keep your hand out of the bag for two hours? I thought I was doomed to keep getting rounder and rounder like a snow ball, but I hit upon a solution:
You know how in those Jane Austin novels all the women have tiny waists. How did they do it? I noticed that they kept their hands busy - they were always sewing or embroidering something, whether alone, bored, or chatting with their guests. So I cut up an old towel in small pieces and would grab a piece at the beginning of the movie to embroider during the film. You can also knit. You should be able to knit by feel, without looking. You might ask, what would you do with all those little tiny towel pieces. You use them as washcloths and to dry your face. It is actually a real good idea to use a new little towel every time to dry your face, instead of the same one, and you definitely don't want to use the same towel you use to wipe your hands. So make a bunch of tiny towels, and put them in a pretty basket in the bathroom. Not only will your face thank you, but your guests, roommates and family members will be entertained.
But what do I do about my habit of snacking when I read!?
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