Monday, January 16, 2012

Do something about your stuffed nose!

A stuffed nostril isn't just a minor inconvenience. It messes with your brain's performance and, according to Yogis, over time, could cause serious illness, such as asthma or diabetes. The scientists did a study of breathing through one nostril and found that whichever nostril you're breathing through, the opposite side of the brain has the electrical activity.
So if one nostril is stuffed, your brain is only half-operational! The tests confirmed those finding: the subjects did much better on the tasks governed by a half of the brain - the half opposite of the stuffed nostril. There is sufficient evidence that reduced breathing through one nostril over long time could contribute to Alzheimer's.

Yogis realized this a long time ago and created a breathing exercise to correct the breathing imbalance: the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. You close one nostril with your finger and breathe in deep through the open nostril, then you close that nostril and slowly breathe out through the other. You do this every day ten to twenty times, alternating nostrils.

If your both nostrils are stuffed, and you are breathing through the mouth, then you are in real trouble - it is proven that mouth breathing is terribly unhealthy. And you can't do the breathing exercises with your nose or a nostril stuffed.
First you can try the acupressure and rinsing your nose out with salty water.
Acupressure points for stuffed nose:
It is suggested that you press on those areas and massage them 10 times each. The earlobe area also includes the area behind the earlobe, where the ear is attached to your head.
Another, less pleasant and more drastic method is rinsing out your nose. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a warm cup of water, stick your nose into the cup and inhale, until the water comes out at the back of your throat. Do it a few times to get all the gunk out.
If nothing works, go ahead and use the over-the-counter medicines. Just make sure to do something, don't just try to ignore your stuffed nose!

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