I read an interesting article claiming that singe-celled organisms are just as intelligent as the much larger ones. An ordinary pond amoeba is smart enough to somehow maintain a water soluble cell wall in the water, to hold back on reproduction if the food is scarce, and to secret some substance to surround itself with protective coating in case something bad happens to the pond, and then when conditions return to normal, to get rid of the coat. A testate amoeba that lives in the moss can build very impressive houses from particles of sand. A scientist by the name of Verworn observed the testate amoeba Difflugia build a house under the microscope. He gave the amoeba some colored ground glass to make it easier to follow the construction and was amazed at how deliberate the amoeba's actions were, just like of a bird building a nest. Then there is a slime mold that can navigate a maze no worse than a rat. See my previous post: Smart Slime
So, it is clear that the intelligence isn't limited only to humans with their huge brains (and the inflated egos), but it is something that is there brains or no brains. Something that was there at the beginning of the universe - another dimension.
Lets start by looking at the Big Bang, or whatever it was, at the moment in time when there was nothing but clouds of atoms of hydrogen. A hydrogen atom has 1 proton and 1 electron. When 2 hydrogen atoms smashed together they formed a helium atom - with 2 protons, two neutrons and 2 electrons. Carbon was next, made of 6 atoms of hydrogen or 3 atoms of helium smashed together, then nitrogen and oxygen. The force of gravity forced the atoms in the middle of this cloud to smash together until all the rest of the chemicals were formed and we got us a planet. (I do have one small problem with this: if the hydrogen has one proton in the center and no neutrons, how come all the other atoms have neutrons and protons? I tried to google where the neutrons came from, but the only explanation I could find was that they are formed when two protons smash together. Except then how can neutrons weigh more than protons, resulting in twice as much mass than before? Shouldn't the sum of protons and neutrons weigh the same as protons before neutrons? I mean, that's what's logic is telling me. Where did that extra mass come from? Hmmm. If any of you understand this, please write to me and explain it.)
The outside of this planet got covered with water, and in that water the first amino acids formed. Then they started forming DNA chains. Or something like that, in general. Then the first cells formed by water making little protective bubbles around bits of DNA and those bits started going about, working up an appetite.
I disagree with labeling the matter as organic or inorganic. Organic matter consists of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen, and neither of those atoms are presumed to be alive. So how can you take a bunch of not-live things and just because they are arranged in a certain way, suddenly they become alive? It makes as much sense as saying that if you build a dog out of legos, it will come to life. Well, it might move and bark if you're real clever, but it won't be alive. Maybe all the atoms are alive? Take water for instance - H2O (2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen): Dr. Emoto, a Japanese guy, conducted an experiment with freezing water and looking at the crystals under the microscope, see my post: Thinking Without Brain for more details. It would appear that water is showing some pretty amazing intelligence. And then there was an experiment with some tiny particles that behaved very much as if they were alive. See my post: Animate And Inanimate Matter.
So I came up with a theory: since 5 dimensions are already taken - the width, height, depth, time and gravity, I claim the 6th dimension for this life force, a spirit, a soul, or the universal intelligence. To understand properly what I'm saying imagine a block made from soft play-dough (that's first 3 dimensions), then watch the block for a moment just sitting there - the 4th dimension in action, then imagine the block being bent by something heavy put on top of it in the center - that's the 5th dimension of gravity. So what would my 6th dimension look like? Poke our blog now with a stick in many places until it is completely holy. Dip it into a paint bucket, wipe off the sides. All the color is the interface with the 6th dimension. Of course, in real life the holes would be infinitely small and infinitely close together, they'd probably be everywhere between the molecules. Maybe the better way to describe it, would be taking a sponge and putting it in water, so it is completely saturated. The same way all matter could be saturated in universal intelligence. Maybe that intelligence is that mysterious Dark Matter, that has weight, but can't be seen?
There are a few distinct possibilities as to what exactly that makes the interface: since everything is made from atoms of hydrogen, the interface could be:
a) The whole hydrogen atom
b) The proton
c) The electron
d) The neutron
e) The quarks (protons and electrons are made of quarks)
f) The empty space between particles
g) Some particles we don't know about yet
h) All of the above
There was an interesting discovery made about quarks, that they are bound together inside a proton very firmly, like by a rubber band, and if you try to hit a proton to dislodge one of those quarks, a brand new little particle will pop out of absolutely nothing called a pion made up of two quarks! The original quark remains inside the proton.

As the cells kept dividing and changing, and then gathering in communities where they'd cooperate with each other and specialize, such as: some got better at seeing, others got better at moving, until they formed more complex organisms. Some cells specialized as the nerve cells, and the network of them became a brain. The point of the nerve cells was simply to make it easier for the large creature to move with purpose and to coordinate all the sensory inputs with each other, such as: see food, smell food, make mouth and legs go get it. But, as I mentioned earlier, not all living organisms have the nervous system: amoebas, molds, fungus and plants don't.
Take a look at a Venus Flytrap - a meat eating plant. Here is a link to a really cool article about it: botany.org/Carnivorous_Plants/venus_flytrap.php The scientists are only guessing as to the mechanism behind the actions of the trap. The article talks at length about their theory. To summarize it: the hydrogen, calcium and water make a sort of a chemical water pump to power the death jaws of the plant. Quite remarkable, seeing the pump turns on and off without any nervous system at all, and the chemicals as well as the plant cells all know what to do to make it work!
Look at the ants, for instance: As individuals they are not too bright. If you separate them from their hive they die. But together they form an impressive community where they all know what each one must do at all times. It isn't like one ant has a talent for nursing and the other for farming - somehow that separation of labor happens in the exact numbers needed for the anthill. And how does a specific young female ant get chosen to leave the hive, go find some mates from another hive and start a new hive and become a queen? I doubt ants have a lottery or SATs. They are all directed as if by a conductor of an orchestra, but not by their queen, or a committee of ants. There is some insignificant individual thinking done by each ant about performing his job the best he can, and then there is a combined thinking by the whole hive, where each ant becomes like a neuron of a brain. The ant hive is a good visible model of how the 6th dimension works. Each ant is an interface to a larger hive mind, that both sends the information to it to pass on to the other members, and receives information, such as time of the day, the area map, or new job assignments. This hive mind is entirely invisible, yet it processes the information, stores it and passes it on. Where can such complex process be going on? If we assume that a 6th dimension is real, then it would be quite simple to assume that it is where all that information is being handled.
I think the 6th dimension was there at the time of the supposed Big Bang or whatever actually happened, I am not sure if the 6th dimension caused the Big Bang, or was created along with the universe. I have to meditate on this some more.
I guess, meditation, dreaming, and otherwise by-passing thinking is the only way to connect to the vast intelligence of the 6th dimension. I imagine the people have sensed many glimpses of this dimension through the ages and created various deities and god figures to make it easier to deal with this great unknown power. People need to pray to something specific with a shape or a face, something they can imagine talking to. Most major religions discourage visual images. Proper Buddhism doesn't have a face to worship, and Buddha isn't a god. But homes and temples of Buddhists have altars with not only
Buddha, but famous people as well. Early Christians were very clear on no images, only to have the churches and cathedrals blossom with colorful paintings of every possible saint and apostle. Jewish religion is super adamant about no images, but the lack of faces to worship is compensated by some very drastic rituals such as circumcision. (I'd call it overcompensating!)
Some people are more talented than others interfacing with the 6th dimension, and they become prophets, shamans, channelers, healers, psychics and remote-viewers. Buddha definitely was one of such people, such as Nostradamus, and probably Mohammed. Jesus was probably the most talented one of such people, and others simply misunderstood him due to their ignorance. Many religious groups have traditions of working themselves up into a frenzy by many methods including: self-inflicted pain, dancing or praying until the state of stupor is achieved, or taking drugs, in order for not-so-talented ordinary people to achieve a glimpse of the 6th dimension. I have spoken with many Russian Christians who have meetings at their homes to partake in such practices so that some of them may be able to 'speak in tongues' meaning - to channel some language they'd normally have no knowledge of.
Would that support or explain the existence of an immortal soul? I had many arguments about if it is possible for a soul to exist without a body. Many of my scientific-minded friends say, "No way!" They are convinced that our awareness is only produced by our brains and dies when we die. But what if our bodies and brains are only a part of something that also exists in the 6th dimension parallel to ours. To visualize it: our bodies are like the mushrooms we see above ground, but the big mushroom being is hidden - it lives underground. A larger part of our being could be something just like that living in another dimension and continuing to live after our current bodies die. It would explain the Near-Death-Experiences and the memories of past lives. It would also agree with the Buddhist way of thinking, that if we become properly detached, our souls would join Nirvana. That could be quite possible - our souls could decide if they care to come back to Earth or stay in that other dimension, or, perhaps, go to some other planet and try living there. See where is better, more fun. Then, of course, the more detached, or indifferent, we'd be to our lives here, the more likely we might want to try something else.
There is a cool book by Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, called DMT:The Spirit Molecule. He conducted a controlled study of the substance on volunteers in a safe hospital environment. His book describes his findings in detail. DMT is a psychedelic substance, abundant in nature, found in plants and in small amounts in mammals. DMT drinks or smoke were made from plants and used in shamanic practices for learning, enlightenment and healing practices. People who took DMT experience seeing strange places, cities, aliens, angels, weird advanced machinery and vivid, colorful geometric patterns. They often felt in the presence of higher intelligence and overwhelming perfect love.
The scientists do not know why this substance is present in such abundance in nature, and what it's function is. My theory is that it might be needed to communicate with the Universal Mind, a hive mind, like for ants and bees, or to behave in a more intelligent manner than the body has provided for (like in plants, molds, fungus, and various primitive creatures that can't possibly think on their own). It is very likely that DMT is one of the means of facilitating contact with the Universal Mind and getting information. And, perhaps, the reason the brain peaks DMT production when dying or having an Out of Body Experience, is because those are the times when a person's soul needs some material transportation mechanism to another dimension.
One of the scientists mentioned briefly that DMT in plants is a mechanism for reacting and interacting with various external events. Plants must need DMT to help them 'think' since they don't have brains. If I were to use computers as an analogy, then, if the mammal brains are fancy laptops that can do tons of stuff without being online, then plants would be like cellphones, that have to be connected to the network all the time to be able to do anything useful. So DMT could be that thing connecting simpler brainless organisms to the Universal Mind brain network, which basically thinks for them, and then tells them what to do. Kind of like what we do when we don't know something - we Google it or as Wikipedia. So DMA could be like the universal keyboard for all the life forms to access information. I think, DMT might be a key to evolution. Not that Darwin's survival of the fittest is total crap, but it doesn't exactly hold water, not that much water. For one thing, if those DNA changes were to occur randomly, it would take a billion times longer for all those species to evolve, and a lot of them would die out, because, let's be honest, if you give someone strong poison, he or she will die. Those DNA changes would have to happen like immediately, in the matter of seconds, for a creature to survive. Is it likely? Well, I read about some yogis who were so very well trained, that they could drink poison and protect their bodies from it by meditation, and come through unharmed. What if meditation enabled them to metabolize some DMT, and that DMT sent a quick message to their molecules and DNA and permanently or temporarily made some lightning-fast changes on cellular level?
Does my theory support the existence of God? I suppose it does more than not. One can imagine that the huge brain fills the whole universe of 6th dimension and everything that happens on our plane of existence is just its thoughts. Maybe nothing is real at all, and we are all figments of imagination of that huge brain? Or maybe this plane as is real as the other, but we are caused to be by the other? Maybe our material plane couldn't even exist without the 6th dimension?
If I am right, and this is, indeed, the case, then it makes perfect sense that there are all those different faces of God on this planet, and each group of worshipers believes themselves to be right quite correctly. Because a God of 6th dimension is truly unknowable in its vastness, but humans have a need to visualize, and to impose rules and structures. So, naturally, different cultures came up with different faces and temperaments of God. And it is totally possible to have more than one God, and still have them be parts of the one whole. Any prayer, meditation or a ritual is simply a way to connect to this giant brain out there. For instance: how do individual ants connect to the brain of the anthill? There is probably a very definite mechanism for doing so in all living creatures, dumb or intelligent alike.
This theory would make anything possible. People can create Gods to worship, and get results, or God's sons or messengers could equally well appear among people. Children have this innate knowledge that their toys are alive and that to make magic happen all they need to do is wish real, real hard. Grown ups often lose that knowledge, and faith with it. They become too pragmatic. Even before I came up with this theory I would never claim to be an atheist - we just don't know enough about this world to be atheists! I called myself an agnostic. If my theory is even partially correct, then faith in anything would bring about contact with the Big Brain. Doesn't matter what god you pray to, just the act of a prayer should be of benefit. If you visualize that eating bacon makes you lose weight, you will lose weight by gorging on bacon. Everything is a placebo! Everything is a placebo effect! So is any religion. So what does this Big Brain want of us? Why are we here? I believe it's to be as happy as possible and to have as much fun as possible.
Here are some books on some latest theories of the universe and consciousness you might find a stimulating read:
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