Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24th - the international Schizophrenia Day!

Let us celebrate schizophrenia today!
I have personally known two schizophrenics, they were both paranoid. (A friend of mine introduced me to a third schizophrenic at a party, who, he claimed, was not paranoid. I didn't stick around to find out.)
The first one believed that the mafia was chasing him, ruining his life by getting him fired from every job he'd ever gotten (which he managed quite well by himself with his mean attitude towards people (only real people), his dislike of working and his love of booze). He also had an imaginary private detective and an imaginary lawyer who somehow managed to absorb a large quantity of real money and produce real paperwork. Our friendship was quite stormy, since every time we went out to eat, all the restaurant staff and other guests were all spies, and he kept looking over his shoulder throughout the meal, and occasionally would confront some innocent waitress or a guy at the next table and say, "I know what you're up to!" I had to get a restraining order eventually, because he showed up at my work and assaulted me there, believing it was a spy set-up and I sold out to them.
The second one believed that the Jews were spying on him. He accused me of looking for some secret, highly valuable information on his laptop, while he was in the bathroom (I didn't touch the laptop, but he insisted that some secretly placed hair was out of place). He pronounced me receiving huge payments from the Jews to pretend to be his friend and to get into his laptop. I said, "Oh, wow! Who will pay me those huge payments? How do I get in touch with these people?" He exclaimed, "So you admit it too!"

Here is a book and a movie for you to experience schizophrenia:

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