Sunday, April 10, 2011

Breathing for health and longer life

Most people do not breathe correctly or enough, especially those with desk jobs who slouch all day in front of computers. To stay healthy and to live long our cells need to be well oxygenated. Do these breathing exercised every day without fail:

Breathe in deeply through the nose inflating your tummy like a balloon as far as it will go, then slowly release the air and let your tummy collapse. Do this exercise 20 times.

Hold one nostril closed, breathe in through the other, then close the nostril you just breathed in through, and breathe out through the other. Repeat reversing nostrils. Start with 3 rounds, increase gradually to 10.
This particular exercise has been scientifically proven to improve health and brain function, because people don't normally breathe evenly through both nostrils. They often have one nostril more plugged up than the other. So when a person breathes more with the left nostril, for instance, the right side of the brain is more active. The scientists did prove that by administering tests involving activities favoring one half of the brain over the other and measuring the results, depending which nostril the subjects were breathing through.
Yogis claim that many serious diseases are caused by this imbalance in breathing.

Always breathe through the nose - breathing through the mouth has been proven to cause diseases. It can be a real problem for those suffering from nasal congestion. Before you take a bunch of medicines or nose sprays try a few natural methods:
  • Drink a large glass of water every couple of hours.
  • Dissolve 3 to 4 drops of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil in a cup of boiling water and breathe the vapor into your nose for 5 to 10 minutes (be careful, don't burn your nose).
  • Take extra vitamin C.
  • Pinch the skin on top of your nose so that it opens up the passages a bit.
  • Dissolve a spoon of salt in a cup of warm water and rinse out your nose by inhaling the water from the cup through your nose and then spitting it out of your mouth.

Once you get rid of your stuffed nose, you need to stop breathing through the mouth at night. You know you do it if you snore. Snoring is not only annoying, but dangerous to your health. The easiest way to stop snoring is to wear a strap that holds your mouth shut when you sleep. Of course, exercises to strengthen your jaw, neck and tongue muscles would have to be done every day, but the strap is a way to start, and, as a side benefit, it will help with that triple chin problem and keep spiders and cockroaches out our mouth. You can make your own strap or buy one by clicking right here right now.

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