Sunday, April 3, 2011

Latest scientific findings on Melatonin

Melatonin has been popular for quite a while as a sleep aid, but lately it has been found to have other wonderful benefits: it prevents many cancers, brain diseases like dementia and has anti-aging properties. It was also recently found that women can use it as a contraceptive, and that it helps with depression.
Apparently, Melatonin has some real cool and unique antioxidants that are very powerful and work while you sleep. Melatonin is like a predator hunting down the most dangerous and nasty free radicals causing cancers of the liver, breast, prostate, lung and brain, and it only does that at night, and only in the dark! Being afraid of the dark now turns out is a bad thing that increases your cancer risk by like 30%. Face your fears and turn off that little lamp so Melatonin can go hunt! This discovery appears to be a very bad piece of news for anyone working grave yard shift. If you do, you should probably quit your job right away. If not, then you must make your room where you sleep during the day very dark, block out all the sunlight, just like a vampire, to trick your biological clock into thinking it's night and take Melatonin before going to bed. It is even more important for you all night owls to take it, because your body is very reluctant to produce it naturally during the day.
Production of Melatonin diminishes with age, so it should definitely be on your list of Must Take supplements. The scientific community recommends 2 to 5mg before bed. (Make sure to turn the lights off!) Although they all say you should start with little and gradually increase the dose. If you are going to read in bed for a while, take Melatonin after you are done with reading, of course.
It used to be thought that Melatonin was harmful to children, because they already got enough. Well recently Melatonin was used very successfully to treat sick babies.
So, if you're young and sick, and need an extra kick, take a pill of Melatonin before going to bed, but only when you're sick - you shouldn't need it when you're well.
Melatonin 5 mg 240 Tabs

Melatonin 5 mg 240 Tabs

MelatoninMelatonin is a neurohormone produced in humans by the pineal gland. A favorite of travelers, it governs the bodys circadian rhythms. Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant...

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