Sunday, July 25, 2010

Enjoyment of life and longevity

This appears to be a very tricky concept, because, on one hand, it seems that longevity greatly decreases when enjoyment of life decreases, but there are so many types of enjoyment that are harmful to longevity as well. For instance, drinking and drugs - can be very enjoyable, but devastating in their effects. So can ice cream, pastries, sex.
So I guess when it comes to enjoyment, many people, including myself, have to deprogram themselves and to learn to not enjoy things they formerly enjoyed. Does feel somewhat wrong to have to do that. But deprogramming is a better way, for forcing yourself not to do something you enjoy over any length of time can probably be just as unhealthy as doing it.
I found this to be the hardest thing ever! Like how do you stop enjoying ice cream when you absolutely love it! I tried eating something less tasty, as a substitute, like chicken, even bean soup, and discovered that it didn't work, and I ate about tree times the amount of bean soup and chicken curry, than a human should ever eat in a year, and still wanted ice cream. Speaking of ice cream, that's it, I'm going down to the store and getting a pint of Haagen Daaz! Oops, they didn't have Haagen Daaz. So I got two pints: vanilla and chocolate.
Technology is, of course, to blame for many of our modern addictions. TVs, headphones, video games, internet didn't exist as little as a 100 years ago. Things like food, drink and sex are harder - they are like basic instincts by now. I wonder how those skinny health nuts manage to eat a little yogurt and a little salad and be fine all day. Where do those people get the will power!
Will power - is it good or bad, does it extend or shorten ones life? To me using will power is as hard as taking a knife and cutting my hand. But that's me, there are people out there who actually would enjoy it. When I meditate and try to get into that sort of a frame of mind just to understand how it feels, I find myself horrified, for how dark their mood would have to be by comparison! No, neither that nor will power can be good for one. Ugh!

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