Well, first of all - are you sure you'd go to Heaven? I don't think that God's judgment will allow for mistakes in interpretation of his Words, especially when it's a very clear and specific law, such as "do not kill". I'm just using it as an example, I'm not suggesting that you, personally, killed anyone. Well, not directly... But isn't indifference murderous, too? The other day a newspaper at the newspaper stand at Starbucks had a huge colorful photo of a child dead from starvation on a front page. A man and his son were standing right next to the newspaper stand, waiting for their Frappuchinos. They definitely saw the photo, and promptly looked away. As if by a silent agreement, they turned their backs to the stand. Will these two go to Heaven? It would probably depend on what was in their hearts at that moment. If the inner voice said, "That's horrible! I'm going to look into this online when I get home and see if I can help," they'd probably be okay with God. But if their thoughts were, "This is annoying," then they would probably be judged accordingly. Perhaps at their trial God would just plop their thick files on his bench and say, "This is annoying. I don't feel like reading all that. Just throw them downstairs."
Second - suppose you are perfect. Never sinned. Say, you are Mother Theresa. I can think of two good reasons why you'd be interested in living as long as possible: For example: wouldn't it be selfish of you to want to go to Heaven and abandon all those poor people needing your help? You can't just assume that they'll go to Heaven too, by the way. They could have stolen food. Wanting to leave this Earthly plane could be totally construed as selfishness and held against you, plunging you a few stories below. Secretly wishing that life extension enthusiasts would fail in their efforts would be just as selfish and sinful. You might object, "I'm not being selfish! My life is really useless! No one needs me, why live..." Well, that sounds totally selfish to me! Wallowing in self-pity sure to earn you some brownie-points. I'm being facetious, of course. Everyone, no matter how sick or poor, can contribute something to the world. Write a blog, plant a tree, visit a friend, pick up a piece of trash on the sidewalk...
Another reason: When and if you finally make it to Heaven, you might be stuck there for a very long time. Could be eternity. So, compared to eternity, 900 years is a tiny speck, same as 90 years. And suppose, just suppose, that you'd get slightly bored over there in a couple of thousand years? A life without a struggle, without a challenge may seem like a wonderful thing right now, when you're struggling to pay bills, but once your are there, you might think different.
How would you describe Heaven? Let's summarize: no one ages, no one gets sick and dies, there is no crime, everyone loves everyone, there is no poverty, no one has to do work they hate... What if we could have all that here on Earth? Would you like it less than Heaven, even it it's exactly the same? And it is perfectly doable, by the way. But it would take all of you to do your part to help. And guess what - if you don't feel like it, I don't think you'd ever make it to Heaven, any kind of a Heaven.
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