"Worm parasites are more common than most people expect, and they are listed as The Center for Disease Control’s #1 Health Risk. According to numerous studies, nearly 85% of Americans have parasites in their bodies such as: Roundworms, ascarids, hookworms - contagious intestinal parasites with the shape of an earthworm but of smaller size; Pinworms - appear as short white threads of 1/3 inch length or shorter and are the most prevalent worm problem for young children; Tapeworms - are from one inch to thirty feet in length and may live in the body for up to 25 years; Protozoa, flukes - other names for types of roundworms.
Potential Causes: Parasites may enter via the mouth, the skin, and the bottom of the feet. They may be found in soil, vegetables, meat, water, feces, and the worm eggs may become airborne. The eggs or larvae are often ingested in partially and uncooked foods.
Some Possible Symptoms and Effects Symptoms may vary depending on the type and amount of infestation. The worms may go undetected for years with no apparent symptoms, or they may be seen in the stool. A common side effect is the poor absorption of critical nutrients for growth potentially leading to anemia, growth problems, and a weakened immune function creating susceptibility for disease. Symptoms may include abdominal pains, diarrhea, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, nausea, perianal & perineal pruritis, dysentery, amebic hepatitis, weight loss, intestinal toxemia, colic and cirrhosis.
Depending on the type of parasite, symptoms may include: Pinworms - may cause anal itching, insomnia and restlessness. These worms tend to migrate out through the anus at night to lay eggs. Hookworms - may cause the soles of the feet to itch, and possibly bloody spit from the mouth, fever, rash, and loss of appetite. Threadworms - may cause coughing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and itchy red abrasions on the anus. Tapeworms may cause weight loss, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Ascarids - may cause bloating, stomach pain, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. Microscopic Roundworm - may cause trichinosis leading to muscle damage and complications of the cardio and neuro systems.
In her book “The Cure for All Cancers”, Dr. Hulda Clark implicates parasites as the root cause for most of the diseases inflicting the human species. As long as they remain in the intestines our immune system can deal with them. When they are allowed to escape the intestines they settle in the most vulnerable parts of our body. Dr. Clark states that cancer can be cured, not just treated and after years of study, she discovered that many cancer patients have a certain parasite in their bodies. She experienced clinical studies that after removing this parasite, the cancer stopped immediately, and the tissue returned to normal again.
Here are the benefits of taking it for people and animals:
* Controls fleas, lice and ticks
* Stimulates basic metabolism
* Reduces odor and moisture in barns and stalls
* Results in better coat and/or hoof condition and/or nails and hair/fur
* Keeps fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population
* Cost effective
* Reduces annual vet bills
* Controls worms and internal parasites without chemicals
* Reduces overall animal stress
Ingredients: Diatomaceous Earth is a fossilized deposit of microscopic shells created by one-celled plants called Diatoms. These plants inhabit all the waters of the earth, and serve as the basic food for aquatic life, just as grass is the basic food for land animals. Also contains trace minerals.
Mineral PPM%Composition
Calcium 13000.13
Vanadium 40.0004
Magnesium 750.670.075067
Germanium 20.0002
Sodium 6800.068
Mercury 20.0002
Potassium 4780.0478
Cadmium 10.0001
Copper 40.0004
Lead 50.0005
Zinc 5.330.000533
Aluminum 11000.1100
Iron 9500.0950
Arsenic 00
Phosphorus 760.0076
Lithium 30.0003
Selenium 20.0002
Strontium 200.002
Silicon (Soluble) 21.670.002167
Barium 11.330.001133
Boron 70.0007
Gold 0.0670.0000067
Manganese 32.330.003233
Telurium 00
Chromium 2.330.000233
Thallium 00
Cobalt 5.670.000567
Beryllium 0.050.000005
Tin 3.670.000367
Bismuth 00
Nickel 2.330.000233
Total Acid Soluble 0.5470117
Molybdenum 0.670.000067
Acid insoluble matrix 99.4529883*
Total Composition 100.0000000
Servings Per Container: 12 servings at 1 Tbs daily =12 days. DE should be used 10 days on and 10 days off for 90 days.
Take 1 tablespoon daily in juice, water, or tea.
Methodology for Children: children 2 to 6 - : 1 tsp 3 times daily for 90 days.
Methodology for Dogs: - 1 tsp in each bowl of food 1 tsp 3 times daily for 90 days.
Suggested feeding instructions for house cats:
Add 2% of the weight of the feed rations. It doesn't have to be exact. More will not be harmful, but less may not give you the results expected. For a household cat, perhaps starting out with 1/2 teaspoon in feed daily to start. A light "dusting" to the animal's food should do."
WARNING: Do not inhale. Dust may cause eye and respiratory irritation. If you are dusting the carpet with it, wear a mask. Once it settles down, it's fine. Leave it on carpet for a couple of days before vacuuming.
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