Monday, May 23, 2011

Did we evolve from monkeys or were genetically engineered by aliens?

It is very unlikely that we evolved from monkeys, even if we are genetically related and have common ancestors.  Chimpanzees (chimps) are supposed to be the closest human relatives, the next closest relative is the mouse. Being a mammal and being related to other mammals doesn't have to mean that we evolved from one naturally. There are a number of facts that strongly suggest that we were genetically engineered rather than evolved spontaneously.

Human babies take a much longer time to mature than other mammal babies, and that makes no sense at all. Supposing, we did evolve, then why did the evolution go backwards? All mammal babies are strong and capable at birth, and know to be quiet and cautious, they can walk, swim or hold on pretty much right away. One can not claim that the human babies need longer time to mature because humans live longer. Chimps live up to 60 years, but mature at 8 years old, and are capable of being independent at 2, however, preferring to stay with their moms. Their babies are strong and hang on to their moms as soon as they are born. Elephants live 70 years, but the elephant baby is completely grown by 5 to 10 years old. Some whales live longer than humans, up to 110 years, and their babies are fully mature at 5 to 10 years old, they are done with drinking mothers' milk at 7 months old and and are perfectly comfortable with traveling north and keeping up with the adults in their first year of life. Yet human babies are completely helpless, noisy and dangerously curious for the first 3 to 4 years or even longer; and their constant yelling and inability to move on their own definitely are not something that evolution would encourage, because they'd get found and eaten by predators much faster than their quiet and sensible baby mammal relatives!

Humans have seemingly redundant body parts, such as an appendix, and a lot of spinal problems and joints' problems, as well as pregnancy and birth problems, suggesting that their vertical state was rather haphazardly imposed on them, and wasn't given time to evolve at all. Their health problems can only be compared to those of purebred racing horses and some dogs (like German Shepards), both of which were bred by humans to fit their specific needs rather quickly, and their bodies did not have time to catch up.

Yet another fact: If humans supposedly use only a fraction of their brain power, something like 20%, according to the scientists, then how could the rest 80% of the brain evolved without any use for it whatsoever? I don't think so!

And finally the big one: There are 25,000 genes in our chromosomes, but 223 of them are not found in any other species on this planet!

There is a book written about that - Everything You Know Is Wrong. Lloyd Pye believes that humans were genetically engineered.  The book sites research examples such as this: All higher primates have 48 chromosomes, 24 from the mother and 24 from the father. Humans have 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Where did the two missing chromosomes go? Apparently, 2nd and 3rd primate chromosomes have been fused together in humans, which accounts for the 2 missing chromosomes! The ends of both chromosomes have been cut and fused together. This kind of chromosome fusing is never found in naturally evolved animals, but only in domesticated and fairly recent breeds.

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