Monday, April 4, 2011

Water healing is free

We are 80% water. Healing and extending life with water is the easiest way, and it is relatively free. When I say 'relatively free' I mean you can't just drink tap water straight from the faucet, you need to purify it somehow to get rid of all the nasty chemicals the government dumps in it, like chlorine and fluoride. Not a filter from a local drugstore, because those don't remove fluoride and chlorine, but a better quality filter. (I'm providing a link for you at the end of this post to make it easier for you.) Apparently fluoride does a lot more harm than good. It was thought to be good for the teeth, but it isn't, it actually causes a tooth disease called fluorosis resulting in more cavities. It baffles me that after all that research, the government still adds fluoride to water. Fluoride is a poison, it was used to kill lice on chickens. It is also enzyme and DNA repair inhibitor, and makes the bones brittle. One tube of toothpaste contains enough fluoride to poison a small child. So you definitely don't want fluoride in your drinking water.

I've been reading some pretty interesting research done about water healing. Dr. Batmanghelidj assures us that most people aren't really sick but dehydrated, but don't know it. He says that his research showed that problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, heartburn and many others can be prevented or cured by simply drinking lots of water. Too many people in the modern society drink lattes and mochas and sodas instead of water, which keeps them permanently dehydrated.

In my earlier post I wrote about Dr. Emoto's experiments with freezing water, which suggests some sort of miraculous intelligence in water as well.

When you drink your water, stare at it for a moment and think words like 'health', 'eternal youth', 'love', then drink it. It should make the same water more beneficial for you. I also write such words on my water bottles.

KDF� Water Filters for Health

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