A natural chemical given to 2-year-old mice (equivalent of 60-year-old humans) turned them into young 6-month-old mice (like 20-year-old humans) in a study done by Harvard Medical School, the National Institute on Aging, and the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia!
The nucleus is the brain and the bank vault of the cell; it holds the cell's DNA containing genetic instructions for everything a cell is to be and do. It is usually located in the center of the cell, where it is enclosed in a membrane called the nuclear envelope – a semi-permeable barrier. The nucleus communicates with the rest of the cell through the tiny pores in the envelope. The nucleus directs activities within the cell by sending instructions through to the various organelles (a fancy word meaning tiny organs) of the cell.
The most important energy-producing organelle in the mammals is called mitochondria. Inside the mitochondria is something called the matrix - a tiny factory that takes the molecules made by breaking down the food we eat and mixes them with oxygen, producing chemical stores of energy.
These organelles depend on constant communication from the nucleus, and without it they become dysfunctional, like a production shop without good management. The breakdown of communication between the nucleus and the mitochondria causes age related diseases, such as Diabetes 2, Alzheimer’s, and many others.
The chemical facilitating the information flow between the nucleus and the mitochondria is called NAD. It is naturally produced in the body, but with time its production fails. So, it appears, to reverse aging all it takes is a reliable supply of NAD.
NAD is synthesized by our bodies from an amino acid tryptophan and from nicotinamide - a form of B3 vitamin also known as niacinamide. (A question naturally comes up if nicotinamide and nicotine are related - they are not, but their molecular structures are somewhat similar.)
nicotinamide or niacinamide niacine nicotine
The human trials of NAD are planned to begin within a year. In the meanwhile, I think, I will add niacinamide and tryptophan to my daily vitamins. Tryptophan promotes production of serotonin and helps to lighten the mood and improve sleep. Niacinamide is an anti-inflammatory and is used to treat skin problems such as acne, as well as anxiety. Not to be confused with niacin, which is used to treat high cholesterol. Our bodies need both forms of vitamin B3 - niacin and niacinamide. They are not the same thing, nor are they interchangeable. Lack of niacin in the diet causes nausea, skin and mouth lesions, anemia, headaches, tiredness and a disease called pellagra.
The nucleus is the brain and the bank vault of the cell; it holds the cell's DNA containing genetic instructions for everything a cell is to be and do. It is usually located in the center of the cell, where it is enclosed in a membrane called the nuclear envelope – a semi-permeable barrier. The nucleus communicates with the rest of the cell through the tiny pores in the envelope. The nucleus directs activities within the cell by sending instructions through to the various organelles (a fancy word meaning tiny organs) of the cell.
The most important energy-producing organelle in the mammals is called mitochondria. Inside the mitochondria is something called the matrix - a tiny factory that takes the molecules made by breaking down the food we eat and mixes them with oxygen, producing chemical stores of energy.
These organelles depend on constant communication from the nucleus, and without it they become dysfunctional, like a production shop without good management. The breakdown of communication between the nucleus and the mitochondria causes age related diseases, such as Diabetes 2, Alzheimer’s, and many others.
The chemical facilitating the information flow between the nucleus and the mitochondria is called NAD. It is naturally produced in the body, but with time its production fails. So, it appears, to reverse aging all it takes is a reliable supply of NAD.
NAD is synthesized by our bodies from an amino acid tryptophan and from nicotinamide - a form of B3 vitamin also known as niacinamide. (A question naturally comes up if nicotinamide and nicotine are related - they are not, but their molecular structures are somewhat similar.)

nicotinamide or niacinamide niacine nicotine
The human trials of NAD are planned to begin within a year. In the meanwhile, I think, I will add niacinamide and tryptophan to my daily vitamins. Tryptophan promotes production of serotonin and helps to lighten the mood and improve sleep. Niacinamide is an anti-inflammatory and is used to treat skin problems such as acne, as well as anxiety. Not to be confused with niacin, which is used to treat high cholesterol. Our bodies need both forms of vitamin B3 - niacin and niacinamide. They are not the same thing, nor are they interchangeable. Lack of niacin in the diet causes nausea, skin and mouth lesions, anemia, headaches, tiredness and a disease called pellagra.
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