You might be in a hurry, don't want to make dinner from scratch, so you stop at the grocery store to get a pizza or a can of soup. No matter how tired you are or how much in a rush, if you value your life, do read the list of ingredients on the label and if you see any of these, do not buy the item:
Artificial Sweeteners:
Aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), saccharin, fructose - they actually make you gain weight, and they have been linked to cancer and are very bad for your cells and your stomach. The only sweetener that is okay is stevia, but only if it is not mixed with anything weird.
Artificial Colors:
They are really just nasty paint, and there is no excuse for putting them in food. Most of them are linked to cancer, hyperactivity and allergic reactions.
High-Fructose Corn Syrup:
It is used in everything these days, because it is much cheaper then sugar, but it is very bad for you because it is absorbed directly, like alcohol, and is immediately stored as fat, as well as causes insulin resistance over time. It leads to obesity, diabetes, liver damage and other health problems.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):
This flavor enhancer contains neurotransmitter that over-excites your cells and leads to nerve damage, Alzheimer's or Parkinson. The evil manufacturers may hide it sometimes by calling it hydrolized vegetable protein, vegetable powder, and caseinate. Some of them are so unethical that they'll say "natural flavor". An apple has a flavor of an apple, it doesn't need a sticker to say "natural flavor". If it says that, then they added something that naturally wouldn't have been there, except it isn't something innocent, like grape juice, because if it were, it would say that. So don't buy it - it's not natural, it's a trick.
Trans Fats:
Never buy anything with them - they raise bad cholesterol, and are linked to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
Even though it sounds like they might preserve you if you eat them - quite the opposite. They are linked to cancer, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), nausea, allergies, headaches, rashes, irritability. Their names are: BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydrozyttoluene), TBQQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone), sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, polysorbate, and sulfites.
Artificial Sweeteners:
Aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), saccharin, fructose - they actually make you gain weight, and they have been linked to cancer and are very bad for your cells and your stomach. The only sweetener that is okay is stevia, but only if it is not mixed with anything weird.
Artificial Colors:
They are really just nasty paint, and there is no excuse for putting them in food. Most of them are linked to cancer, hyperactivity and allergic reactions.
High-Fructose Corn Syrup:
It is used in everything these days, because it is much cheaper then sugar, but it is very bad for you because it is absorbed directly, like alcohol, and is immediately stored as fat, as well as causes insulin resistance over time. It leads to obesity, diabetes, liver damage and other health problems.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):
This flavor enhancer contains neurotransmitter that over-excites your cells and leads to nerve damage, Alzheimer's or Parkinson. The evil manufacturers may hide it sometimes by calling it hydrolized vegetable protein, vegetable powder, and caseinate. Some of them are so unethical that they'll say "natural flavor". An apple has a flavor of an apple, it doesn't need a sticker to say "natural flavor". If it says that, then they added something that naturally wouldn't have been there, except it isn't something innocent, like grape juice, because if it were, it would say that. So don't buy it - it's not natural, it's a trick.
Trans Fats:
Never buy anything with them - they raise bad cholesterol, and are linked to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
Even though it sounds like they might preserve you if you eat them - quite the opposite. They are linked to cancer, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), nausea, allergies, headaches, rashes, irritability. Their names are: BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydrozyttoluene), TBQQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone), sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, polysorbate, and sulfites.
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