Friday, March 16, 2012

Acidity and aging go hand in hand

When you're young your pH balance is perfect, but as you age your body becomes more and more acidic. At death the body is 100% acid. And I'm not just talking about the acid discomfort - that nasty burning feeling in your throat - your cells get too acidic as well, slowly dying, and killing you. Most people will just chew a Tum, but that does not solve the problem. It might make your stomach feel better temporarily, but doesn't help it or your cells. In fact, it hurts you more than it helps in the long run. Studies showed that calcium carbonate (the calcium in Tums) should be avoided. Excessive use can leads to irreversible kidney damage. Calcium carbonate eases the symptoms of discomfort by momentarily neutralizing the acid in the stomach, but it also messes with proper digestion and prevents many important minerals from being absorbed. Calcium carbonate doesn't strengthen the bones either, by the way, it actually weakens them. The body can't get any actually useful calcium out of that.
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The ideal pH should be 7 to 7.25. You can easily test it yourself at home without waiting for painful heartburn to jerk you out of your slumber. Most likely, you have too high acidity - most Americans do because of these reasons:
You eat mostly a typical Western diet of acid-forming foods: meats, pasta, bread, refined sugar, fast foods, starches
You don't exercise enough
You're under a lot of stress
You're surrounded by smog, bad air, poor quality water
You drink alcohol, coffee, sweetened juice, sodas
You smoke.

The symptoms of your body being too acidic (acid overload), besides the heartburn, are:

Muscular discomforts and stiffness
Occasional constipation or/and bloating
Feeling tired in the mornings
Colds hands and feet
Low energy
Food sensitivities
Low sex drive
Stuffy nose for no apparent reason
Feeling constantly agitated or anxious
PMS and menstrual cramping
Strong smelling urine
White coated tongue
Metallic taste in mouth
Skin blemishes.

Here is a list of natural remedies for too much acid:

Drink 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey before meals
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning
Suck on a piece of clove
Eat some watermelon, banana or cucumber
Drink herb tea with spearmint and licorice
Drink 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
Eat unsweetened yogurt
Do not eat less than 2 hours before bedtime
Do not put raw onions in your salad
Stop eating sweets, white bread, and drinking sodas.

Use only good, natural, easily digested calcium supplements

Coral Calcium Complex-32 oz-Liquid: 100% PURE BIOAVAILABLE OKINAWAN CORAL Maximum absorption liquid formula dynamic health coral calcium complex. Dynamic Health Laboratories, Inc. Coral Calcium Complex liquid formula offers a synergistic way to satisfy the bodys thirst for natural elemental calcium, nutrient rich ionic trace minerals and essential vitamins. Okinawan Coral Calcium can help neutralize harmful acid and restore a natural, healthy, alkaline pH and strengthen bones and teeth. A proper regimen of Essential Vitamins and Minerals can also help enhance and maintain good health. Coral Calcium Complex liquid formula contains premium grade, micronized, 100% pure, ionized bioavailable coral calcium selected from the waters of Okinawa, Japan. Our cool Calcium collection process is overseen by the Japanese government for the continued protection and ecological safety of these unique coral reefs and the surrounding marine enviroment. Our Coral Calcium Complex liquid formulation is micronized, easy to swallow, readily absorbable, and easy assimilated by the body to help maintain an alkaline pH and encourage good overall health.

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