Chia seeds a.k.a. Salvia hispanica L. a.k.a. BenVia Gold. These seeds have it all: tons of Omega 3 fatty acids, 5 times more calcium than whole milk, 13 times more magnesium than broccoli, 3 times more antioxidant power than fresh blueberries, more fiber than flaxseed, and as much protein as same amount of beef.

One serving of 15 grams contains 2000 mg of Omega-3, 700 mg of Omega-6 and 300 mg of Omega-9. Chia seeds are perfect for maintaining a healthy heart and a sugar balance. Chia seeds absorb more than seven times their weight in water and form a gel that causes a slow release of carbohydrates and a slow conversion of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). The outer layer of chia seeds is rich in mucilloid soluble fiber. This mucilloid is intended to keep the seeds from drying out in the arid desert air. When chia seeds are mixed with water or stomach juices, a gel forms that creates a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates are digested eventually, but at a slow and uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level after eating chia. It keeps you full and full of energy that doesn't crash, and it keeps maintaining a healthy water level and prevents dehydration. Chia treats digestive problems, reduces blood pressure, strengthens bones, and cures skin conditions!
Chia was cultivated in South America as early as 3500 BC, the seeds were used by the Aztec warriors to sustain themselves during long journeys, and by everyone else for medicinal purposes and as a food additive. When the Europeans came led by Cortez in 1519, they burned all the chia fields to weaken the Aztecs, and the goodness of these seeds was lost to the world until very recently.
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