1. Probiotics support the immune system.
2. Probiotics are good microbes that kick the bad microbes' butts, preventing infections.
3. Good microbes in the lower large intestine finish digesting whatever the upper small intestine didn't digest.
4. Good microbes keep bad things from penetrating the stomach lining, such as bacteria or allergens, greatly reducing lactose intolerance and food allergies.
5. Probiotics reduce the incidence of cancerous tumors in mice who were fed nasty chemicals, and reduce the growth of unhealthy cells on the walls of human colon.
If you want more in-depth information, here is a website: http://www.usprobiotics.org/basics.asp
Because of unhealthy diet rich in carbs, sugars and fats, and because of wide-spread use of antibiotics, fungi just love to grow in modern humans. Especially candida, and it can make you super sick or even kill you. Also, as we grow older, our bodies don't digest food as well as they used to, because the production of digestive enzymes slows down. So probiotics are a necessary supplement for most people, and especially for those over 40 who love to eat.
So what makes for a best probiotic supplement, you might ask. The one that has the most microbes and a way to get them through your stomach alive, because it's hell down there, and most of them don't make it. Here are some recommendations:
Which probiotics to buy?
This company is my personal favorite. They have all so many choices, you'll be reading all day, and they are seriously dedicated to providing the best products:
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